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- Project D Parameter File Number 1288
- Software companies sometimes change their disk protection from time to
- time. The disk that Fuller Computer Systems has examined may not have
- the same copy protection as the disk you have even though the title and
- version number are the same. For this reason a program may not copy with
- the parameter file even though it is listed. We are always working to
- make Project D the most complete and versatile copy program around.
- * After The Title Means A New Addition To The Parameter List
- @-> Parameter A Used As An Alternate For Some Titles
- If A @ Is Present After A Title And The
- Standard Parameter Does Not Work Put It In
- Manual Mode And Try This Parameter.
- Adventure Construction Set
- Alternate Reality
- Amegas
- Archon
- Archon II: Adept
- Arctic Fox V1.1
- Arena
- Autoduel *
- Balance of Power
- Barataccus
- Barbarian
- Bards Tale V1.0
- Better Dead Than Alien
- Black Cauldron
- Borrowed Time
- Bridge 5.0
- Bubble Ghost @
- Capone 1.0 @
- Captain Blood 1.0 @
- CenterFold Squares
- Championship Golf
- Crimson Crown
- Cruncher Factory
- Dark Castle Disk A
- DeathSword @
- Decimal Dungeon
- Deep Space
- Defender of the Crown - Rev A
- Defender of the Crown - Rev B
- Deja Vu
- Deluxe Music V1.0
- Deluxe Music V1.2
- Deluxe Paint II Key Disk
- Deluxe Paint II V1.0
- Deluxe Paint V1.0
- Deluxe Paint V1.0 Key
- Deluxe Print V1.0
- Deluxe Video V1.0
- Deluxe Video V1.2
- Destroyer @
- Drum Studio
- Earl Weaver Baseball
- Emerald Mine *
- Ferrari Formula One
- Final Assault *@
- Financial Cookbook
- FlightPath 737
- Footman @
- Fortress Underground
- Fourth & Inches *
- Gamestar Baseball
- Gamestar Football
- Ganeymed
- Gee Bee Air Rally
- Golden Path
- Graphics Studio @
- Grid Start
- Hacker
- Hacker II
- Hardball
- Harrier Combat Simulator @
- Harrier Mission
- Hollywood Poker
- Impossible Mission II
- Instant Music V1.0
- Into the Eagles Nest
- KCS V1.6
- KCS V1.6A *
- KCS V1.6a *
- Karate Kid II
- Karate King
- Karting Grand Prix
- Keyboard Cadet
- Kinderama
- King of Chicago
- King's Quest I
- King's Quest II
- King's Quest III
- Leisure Suit Larry
- Little Computer People
- MIDI Recording Studio (MRS)
- Marble Madness
- Math Wizard
- Mean Eighteen
- MindShadow
- Mobius
- Music Mouse
- Music Studio 1.0
- Ogre
- One on One
- Operation Clean Streets *@
- P.O.W 1.0
- Plutos
- Portal
- ProMIDI Studio V1.1 / V1.2
- ProMIDI Studio V1.4
- Q-Ball
- Quintette V1.0 (Old Version)
- Racter
- RawCopy V1.3 02/01/88
- RawCopy V1.3 Release B *
- Read & Rhyme
- Return to Atlantis - Disk 2
- Road Raider @
- Rogue
- S. D. I.
- Scrabble *
- Seven Cities of Gold
- Shadowgate
- Shanghai
- Silent Service - Rev A
- Silent Service - Rev B
- Sinbad (Reel #1)
- SkyChase @
- Skyfox V1.1
- Solitaire Royale @
- Sound Quest CZMaster
- Sound Quest D-50Master
- Sound Quest MT-32Master
- Sound Quest MasterLib
- Sound Quest TX81ZMaster
- SoundScape V1.4 2/12/87
- Space Quest
- Space Racer *@
- Space Station Oblivion *@
- StarGlider II *Use MiniTool (SGII)
- Street Cat Disk A
- Street Sports Basketball @
- Strip Poker - Data Disk - #4
- Strip Poker - Data Disk - #5
- Strip Poker - Rev A
- Strip Poker - Rev B
- Sub Battle Simulator
- TV Sports Football REEL1 *
- Tass Times in ToneTown
- TechnoCop *@
- Temple of Apshai
- TerrorPods
- Test Drive - Rev A
- Test Drive - Rev B
- Thai Boxing
- The Art Of Chess *
- Thexder
- Three Stooges Reel #1
- ThunderBoy
- Tower Toppler *@
- Transylvania
- Two on Two BasketBall
- Ultima III
- Uninvited
- Vyper
- Warlock @
- Wayne Gretzky Hockey *Use MiniTool (WGHockey)
- Winter Games
- World Games - Rev A
- World Games - Rev B
- Zoom Use MiniTool (ZTool)